3 Minutes To Calm Method


3 Minutes To Calm Method

If only there was a method you could use anytime, anywhere, easily and effectively.

A technique you could use right then and there to calm you down, reduce the overwhelm and get you back to your day productive and capable once more.

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3 Minutes To Calm Method

If only there was a method you could use anytime, anywhere, easily and effectively.

A technique you could use right then and there to calm you down, reduce the overwhelm and get you back to your day productive and capable once more.

Well, Now There Is!

As a Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Practitioner, I’ve seen the need for a quick method suitable for all ages -children to adults.

I’ve created a specially tailored technique targeted to get you calm quickly – yes quickly 3 minutes is all it takes –  to get you back to focusing on your day calmer and able to manage your day.

It’s yours free, as my gift to you.

Joy Fairhall – Joy is a highly sought-after grief specialist due to her unique understanding of grief through her own experiences and an innate ability to professionally support and empathise with where you are right now. Her caring and understanding nature and approach has been proven to provide everlasting guidance and support for people faced with the overwhelm of losing their husband or partner.


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