Mindfulness is it really a cure-all for our psychological woes?
Mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgemental way is the latest buzzword and is used widely in the field of psychology. Being mindful through focusing on the present moment results in ‘Just being” learning not to judge what is happening. Mindfulness has been adopted into society from the serious to the trivial.
Some mindful courses run for weeks on end, other methods claim they only need 5 minutes to work, while others say you need a week-long retreat! Mindfulness is often seen as the pathway to lifelong happiness!
Mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety and can bring you back to focus on the present allows you to think more clearly. if you are overwhelmed, stressed anxious mindfulness practices can make a difference.
Focusing on your breath, noticing how your body feels or noticing and naming the emotion you are feeling allows your mind to deal with it more effectively. The saying I learnt in my Positive Psychology and Wellbeing studies was “If you can name it you can Tame it’. And I teach this to my clients all the time it becomes an anchor point when you acknowledge you are stressed for instance. You go ok I’m stressed right yes I am now why am I feeling this way, what have I allowed myself to do or why have I been affected to feel like this? By focusing on it you can then be mindful, non judgementally of what you can do next time not to react the same way or be aware of what could trigger you.
A simple mindfulness method is to sit quietly, flat feet on the floor and back straight, relaxed not slumped in a chair. bring your focus to your breath, notice the rhythm of the breath in and out don’t try to slow it down or speed it up just notice it. Notice the breath on your lips, the way your chest rises, breathing in and out. If your mind wanders bring it back gently to focus on your breath, in and out. Continue for a few minutes and then gently bring your awareness back to the present and go back to your day
If you have any questions on mindfulness you can contact me for more details.